1. Tell us about yourself! What’s your story?
I grew up as a minister’s kid singing in the church, but I have certainly had moments of my life where I walked away from God. In middle school and high school I struggled with identity and belonging, which caused me to seek approval in places that were not of God. When I went to college, I joined a strong Christian community and began walking on the path that God would want me to live. I decided to rededicate my life through baptism in 2018 to symbolize my decision to pursue God.
2. What does it mean to live a life of worship, to you? How can we apply this to our day to day life?
In my personal life, worship means choosing to have a heart posture of gratitude and joyfulness even through hardship. One practical way to incorporate a lifestyle of worship in our daily lives is by choosing to put God first in our actions and attitudes. I am a singer, so I often worship down the highway on my way to work. People driving by me probably think I’m crazy 🙂 , but listening to worship music prepares my heart to worship God through my actions throughout the day. I can tell that when I do not start my day off in communion with God, I am more easily frustrated. I love others better when I start my day with worship.
3. Why is worship important? What does God say about worship?
Psalms 103 is one of my favorite passages about worship. It starts with the scripture “praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name” (NIV). The passage continues by elaborating on the goodness of God. Based on this passage, worship is about being grateful for who God is and what He has done for us.
4. What is your advice for women who feel “awkward” during corporate worship at church? When you look around at others with their hands up and their eyes closed and you don’t “feel” what they “feel”?
First off, I definitely have been there! You are not alone. I found that the more time I spent in the word and prayer, the deeper and freer my worship became.

5. What are worship styles? Why is it important to recognize your worship style?
Growing up I thought that I wasn’t worshipping properly if I wasn’t shouting, but I have grown to understand that people worship differently. God has created us all uniquely, so it’s okay and normal for people to have different worship styles. Some people worship with their arms outstretched in praise, while others may worship on their knees with their eyes closed in reverence to God.
6. What is your advice for women who have yet to encounter God during worship, but have the desire to?
I encourage you to pray before church that you experience God in a new way. Limiting distractions, including looking at others during worship, can be helpful as well. The first time I experienced God in worship, I closed my eyes to prevent myself from being distracted, lifted my arms, and prayed during worship. In that moment, I felt the presence of God in a way that I had not felt.

7. What is idolatry and how is it related to worship?
This is such a great question! Idolatry is essentially putting anything before God, and idolatry can certainly hinder your worship. Worship goes beyond just praising God in church on Sunday. It is a way of living that honors and glorifies God. It is hard to choose to live a life that is not God-honoring Monday-Saturday and experience God during worship on Sunday.
8. What are some common things that hinder our worship?
Distraction is definitely a big one! I can’t tell you how many times I have been in church worshipping and suddenly my stomach starts to growl (when I already ate breakfast), or I forget to silence my phone and everyone wants to text me during worship. The devil definitely can use distraction to prevent us from worshipping. Hate and bitterness also prevent us from worshipping God. You cannot worship a loving God while being hateful to others.
9. Can you describe your first experience in the presence of God during worship? What did it feel like?
The first time I experienced God during worship, it felt like it was just me and God. I was no longer concerned about those around me, and I was only focused on God’s presence. I remember feeling the uncontrollable tears streaming down my face and a complete peace in my heart that I had never felt — a peace that only God can bring.

10. What is heart posture? How should we posture our hearts during worship?
Heart posture is the position of your heart or the attitude you bring into worship. During worship our heart posture should be one of humility, reverence, and thankfulness.