1. Tell us about yourself! What’s your story?
My first encounter with God was at the age of 10. I had this deathly fear of dogs which would hinder social interactions and bring out the worst anxiety. This was around the time when I started attending a faith based grade school. It was a new experience because the teachers opened and closed class with prayer. God was abundantly present and influenced my own beliefs. After attending the school for a couple months, I decided to give prayer a try myself. One night I prayed to God that He would remove my fear of dogs. That night forever changed my life. Within a few days I had immeasurable courage to approach and pet my neighbor’s dog. My mom was so confused at the abrupt shift. I was excited to tell her about the miraculous work of God.
Throughout the rest of my childhood, I viewed God as a shoulder to lean on. I didn’t understand His fullness but I saw His peace. Sometimes I think about the simplicity of faith and love as a kid. We see the world through a curious and untapped lens. We truly are born seeking God in creation. Thus, I sought Him in getting through a tough division in my family. His guidance led me to learning forms of art. I became an avid drawer and took up painting. It was an unusual answer to prayers of worry. I thought God intended to answer my prayers in the literal verbal sense. Yet, God showed me His beauty in a form of therapy. His presence as a creator is symbolically shown in our ability to create.
I’d love to declare that the same faith stayed consistent throughout my teenage years. But, the influences of the world dictated my behavior for a very long time. I was the definition of one foot in the world and one in the kingdom. I liked to pray but I also loved idolizing celebrities, TV shows, movies and music. Consequently, I endured a poor mental health state for several college years. I had resolved to seek escape from any ounce of pain through over drinking, entanglements with uncaring men and a desire to manipulate situations to favor myself.
I didn’t see a breakthrough until my junior year. In December of 2017, I decided to take the first step in forgiving a distant parent. My train ticket was booked and I was anxious. It’s crazy how a “random” action of our own can birth purpose. I remember having a pit in my stomach as I drove to the train station. It was uncomfortable and frustrating. I would try to navigate to the address in Google and see an empty platform. Oddly enough, each time the GPS rerouted, I also received a train delay notification. It was as if every fraction of time was in communication. Eventually I did locate the new address. The train met me in perfect unison as I walked onto the platform. I was at the right place at the right time. God’s presence was clear.
In January of 2020 I got baptized. It was my second time getting baptized, but it was my first real declaration of faith. The entire year was blessed by this new commitment to the Lord. I committed my art, my job, my house and every other previously-idolized area to God. It was freeing and fulfilling. 2020 was a year of loss, but it was also a realization of faith in simplicity. My child-like seeds of faith grew and multiplied. Moving into 2021, I have confidence in the revelations He has given me. He is bestowing grace upon the kingdom during a fearful time. I’m excited for what is to come.
2. How does the Lord speak to you? How do you discern when God is speaking to you?
Right now God mainly speaks to me through number symbolism. He will wake me up at a particular time early in the morning that correlates with a Bible verse I need or He will send a sign through calling me to obedience on a certain day or month. I’ve had several experiences of sitting on the couch and hearing dates from the Holy Spirit. Even more rarely, I’ll hear the name of two or three movies that have the same release year. Most recently it was two movies that came out in 1999. My process is shaped like a scavenger hunt. I will look for the connections and find a whole Word hidden in the numbers.
I have had the experience of dreams and visions as well. God warned me through a vision to pack up my house 1 month before I was laid off from my job. It was the first time I’ve ever moved in faith so strongly. The experience was odd and new. I was scrolling through Twitter and watching TV carelessly. Then a vision came over me strongly- I saw myself packing up the books on my shelf and disassembling my office desk. I spoke with a sister in Christ and she advised me to listen and act. My clothes, hair supplies and alike were all in suitcases and boxes. When I was laid- off the next day, I just sat and thanked God for the revelation.
When God speaks I feel a heavy conviction. It’s a feeling like I can’t escape a particular thought as much as I may try. For example, God told me to pay off a friend’s loan. I ignored the thought until it was all I could meditate on. I accepted God’s calling and He proceeded to give me an exact date to pay it. It turns out that the date was symbolic in being the birthday of her future spouse.
I will say that when God speaks, He sends multiple signs such as the importance of a day. Everything in His calling is connected to a greater purpose. My advice would be to look deeper. If God placed a Proverb on your heart to read, what is the deeper meaning of the verse? Don’t accept not knowing. Research, reflect, pray and truly absorb what you are reading like a subject in school.
3. What advice do you have for women who are struggling to hear God’s voice? Those who are praying and seeking God, but it seems as if they are talking to themselves or as if God is an “imaginary friend”.
First, stillness and rest promote closeness with God (Psalm 46:10). These do not equate to being alone. You can find stillness and rest by quieting raging thoughts caused by social media, TV and secular music.
Secondly, understand that God speaks to you through scripture. Read your Bible every day and lean into understanding by dissecting the passages (Joshua 1:8). God wants you to find the connections and truly have a full sense of what He is calling you to do.
Third, tune into fasting. Pray about a fast that God can direct you to do. It is an amazing way to clarify your life and cleanse your spirit. I started hearing God’s voice profoundly at the start of the 21 day Daniel fast. My spiritual gift of discerning God’s voice has strengthened everyday since then.
Lastly, understand that the Holy Spirit speaks in whispers and can be pushed further away by poor behavior (Ephesians 4:29-32). When He is relaying a message I have to pause, reflect and pray immediately. Messages come softly, so be sure that stillness and resting in the Word are a part of your daily life.

4. What are your thoughts on those who use numerology, astrology, horoscopes, healing crystals, sage, etc. And claim they received clarity or heard a “higher power” speak to them from those practices?
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus talks about signs of the end times. In chapter 24 verses 23-25, He says “At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See I have told you ahead of time.”
Jesus warned us of sorcery and witchcraft that would try to mimic the power of God. Numerology, astrology, horoscopes, healing crystals, sage and alike are methods by which humanity has tried to simulate this power.
Only God can define your identity, through Christ. There is a lot of deception right now and people don’t understand they are using tools of the occult. It is tempting to tap into astrology/Zodiac as a way to understand ourselves. But, if you lean on the power of God He will reveal your strengths and skills.
5. How do you stand in confidence in the things that the Lord has spoken over your life?
God always gives multiple affirming signs regarding what He wants me to do. This helps restore my faith throughout the process of obedience. For example, He told me to give away my car and buy a new one in July of this year. The timeframe He gave me was 1 month. I was at peace with this command and immediately told my friend that I would be giving her my car. God had commanded her to give away her car before graduation and she was without one for 6 months.
When I told her, she let me know that she would be starting school within 1 month. That is the moment I knew that God was confirming His calling.
He remains present in every aspect of life and more boldly when we commit our ways to Him (Proverbs 16:3).
Also, I write down every revelation God speaks and the according testimony. This serves as a point of reflection when I reread my journal or notes. If God came through once, He will do it again and again.
6. What advice do you have for women that desperately want to hear from God, but are experiencing a “silent season” and have not heard from Him?
John 6:63: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.”
- Read scripture with the filter of Jesus and not your own life. The Messiah was foreshadowed through the Old Testament. Dive into understanding how God prepared the people for His coming as the living sacrifice. You will find revelations in the process and as a result your own prayers may be answered. I’ve learned that we are a people of relation. We want to relate to society, relate to unbelievers and believers, relate to someone else’s work, etc. But, with scripture this can distort the meaning of a passage. Relate all of scripture to Jesus’ purpose, message, meaning and watch a breakthrough in your life follow.
- Dedicate time to absorbing creation. Nature is a haven for my mental clarity and regaining the “awe” sense of our presence on Earth. This can lead to positive discoveries about your calling in the kingdom. He creates anew in all things and will restore your faith (1 Peter 1:23).
- Study the 9 fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). The fruits can put you in a position of receiving. Particularly, gentleness (meekness) is a powerful tool in humbling yourself to hear Him clearly.
- Your “silent season” may just mean you are in alignment with God’s purpose for your life. Silence does not mean God is abandoning you. I’ve found that my silent days or weeks are confirmation that I am walking purposely. When it is time for God to bring a new word of wisdom, word of knowledge, prophecy, etc. He will bring it.

7. What are the types of ways that God speaks to us?
God is creative and speaks to each of us uniquely. Here are some ways I’ve found that God speaks consistently:
- Scripture: This is why daily meditation on the Word is important. His divine nature shines through with the presence of the Holy Spirit to guide us as we read.
- Pastoral care, Christian friends, family and other wise individuals in our close proximity. God will send a message to your pastor to preach on a Sunday that is directly designed for your ears to hear. He will speak words of wisdom and knowledge through your Christian friends, family and further wise counsel that elevates your understanding.
- Signs, wonders and revelations: God will send you signs in your daily life. It may be repetitive numbers that are symbolic or biblical phrases you all of a sudden hear everywhere. Studying up on biblical symbolism will aid in your recognition when He does send a sign.
- For example, God will keep sending me times, dates, names, etc that adhere to the number 3.
- Whispers of the Holy Spirit. This ties into signs, wonders, revelations and scripture. The Spirit of God will deliver messages to us if we are positioned to hear Him. Positioning may look like having a good heart posture and meekness.
- Prayer: God will answer your prayers, you just need to ask Him for clarity.
Of course there may be more ways God speaks to you in your life. These 5 ways are what I have encountered through my experiences.

8. What are some things that you believe can “hinder” us from hearing from God?
- Falling out of alignment with God’s purpose for your life
- Have you asked God to reveal the ways in which you can step into your Kingdom Power and Influence?
- Are you talking to God in your wilderness season?
- Are you disciplined in prayer?
- Disobedience to God and His Word
- Have you ignored a calling God has placed onto your life?
- Have you hardened your heart in unforgiveness? (Ephesians 4:18; Matthew 13:14-15). When we refuse to forgive others, we welcome bitterness and close our ear-gates to hearing God clearly. Ask God to restore your strength in forgiving those who have caused trauma. Pray for Him to renew your mind in understanding His words fully.
- Secular distractions
- Over consuming unrighteous TV and music
- Comparisons to others lives via social media
- Spiritual attacks of the enemy
- Inconsistent reading of the Bible
- (Hebrews 4:12) The Word is LIVING so for us to LIVE life with God, we must read to understand with the Spirit of God.
- Friends who are negative influences
- Misunderstanding scripture or not receiving clarity for verses you are confused about
- Failing to connect with fellow Believers and a church body (even virtually)
- Never determining how God speaks to you
- Lack of variation in external Biblical sources for understanding
- One sided viewpoints on Biblical topics can hinder our spiritual growth. I recommend reading the work of apologists to further understand the symbolism of God in scripture.
9. How should we discern the voice of God from the voice of the enemy (deception)?
God will never tell you to do something that brings physical or spiritual harm to you. However, sometimes, He will call us to step out of our comfortability in the means of pruning, shaping and growing us.
Don’t be afraid to ask God for clarity regarding His calling for your life. I have been tested before by the enemy in thinking I heard something from God that I did not. God came through and gave me revelation on the topic that halted the misstep I was going to take. It took consistent prayer, sharing the calling with a sister in Christ and searching scripture for direction in order for God to clarify. The clarity came in the form of a dream, but was clear and concise.
The voice of God is not doubtful. While the enemy can try to instill doubt in your life to make you question God, God’s voice is powerful and He will give you clarity and guide you.
10. How do we discern God’s voice from our feelings?
- God’s voice glorifies Him for the betterment and progress of the kingdom.
- God’s voice doesn’t counter scripture.
- God’s voice is steadfast and not volatile.
Your feelings change but God does not. Confusion, consistent lack of peace and emotional waves can tell you if you are being led by feelings.