Physical Wellness
Hey girl,
Does your mental health cause you to struggle with your fitness journey? Well this might be the page for you! Fitness can be intimidating, time consuming, and quite honestly, pretty dreadful. And if you’re like me, and you struggle with depression or anxiety, just getting out of bed somedays is so hard it should be considered fitness!
But I’m here to help you change that. Although fitness sucks, sometimes, it is completely necessary for your mental health and overall well-being. Exercising daily allows you to release endorphins that promote positive moods, and improve your cognitive functioning and self esteem.
For this reason, my ex-college football player boyfriend is in the process of creating a few, 10-20 minute exercises just to get you all movin’! To clarify, these exercises aren’t for advanced gym users or women who are aiming to lose weight or advance their fitness journey. These exercises are specifically created for women who struggle with depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, and just need a lil’ push to get active.
So, if you live a sedentary lifestyle, can barely get out of bed, or rarely find yourself sweating in somebody’s gym, this is a great resource for you! Doing these simple exercises daily has drastically changed my life and overall mental well-being. I hope they help you, too! Stay tuned!