Hey girl,
Are you ready to gain some knowledge and fresh perspective on an issue, topic, or skill that’s been heavy on your heart? Well you’re in the right place. Every woman I meet seems to have a wealth of knowledge in a specific area. So, I thought, why not learn from each other? “Let’s talk about it”, is a written interview series that sparks authentic and raw questions and conversation about topics that women often face and/or struggle with. This ongoing series interviews women from different walks of life and backgrounds that share their knowledge, experience, and story on a relatable or heavy topic. The interview questions range from how to pay off student loan debt and eat healthier, to how to build self confidence in your body image.
It is my prayer that the expertise, conversation, and experiences from these empowered women, give you a new perspective on the related topic and plant good seeds for your healing or personal growth. I’m so glad you’re here sis, see you in there!